
🌖 #TerraLunaClassic Passed Pay Per Job Proposal

Proposal 11889, titled “Pay-per-job and governance-ruled Job List, successfully passed”. The community wasn’t entirely on board with the monthly model of roadmap and payment planning, so they’ve decided to shake things up and switch to a pay-per-job model.

The support for the proposal was overwhelming, with a whopping 91.99% of “Yes” votes, and others mostly opting to “Abstain.” It was a sign that this change will optimize the compensation structure, bring in flexibility and transparency, ramp up community #engagement , and tackle risk mitigation.

Out of the 56 validators in the game, 49 gave a nod to the proposal, and 7 decided to play it safe with an “Abstain.” Big names in the validation game, including Allnodes, Orion, Interstellar Lounge, Stakely, and StakeBin, gave their approval.

With L1TF transitioning into a “maintenance mode” for Q4, there’s a bunch of tasks waiting in the wings for attention on Terra Classic. The switch to a pay-per-job approach is expected to handle these tasks more efficiently. Moving forward, new job #listings can be proposed through governance text proposals, complete with all the details – job title, a thorough description, budget, and estimated duration. It’s a fresh approach to get things done in #TerraClassic !