A recent incident involving ZJZ.eth from @wsbcoinofficial has raised concerns about the transparency and security of the cryptocurrency market. The individual reportedly dumped a large portion of the WSB team supply for $635k (334 ETH), leading to suspicions of a "rug pull" scam.

In November 2022, ZJZ.eth allegedly messaged an individual, stating "I guess we should have been greedy amoral bastards instead 😔". This message only added to the growing suspicion of unethical behavior in the cryptocurrency space.

To add to the confusion, there is a lack of clarity about the other multisig signer for the 6.86B WSB transaction. @wsbmod has claimed that it belongs to the mod OIP, indicating that ZJZ created the transaction and OIP executed it.

As investors become increasingly wary of cryptocurrency scams, it is important for individuals and organizations to prioritize transparency and ethical behavior. The lack of regulation in the crypto market can lead to instances of fraud and manipulation, causing damage to the market as a whole.

As the crypto market continues to evolve, it is essential that industry participants work to build a reputation of trust and integrity. By holding themselves to high ethical standards, they can help to establish a market that is fair, transparent, and secure for all investors.

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