#ftx #ftxupdate #newsbrief #Celsius

Some people lending money to the Celsius network are worried that there may be something wrong with the Celsius tokens on a certain exchange. He formed a group and ask a judge to help find out who did what.

People lending money to FTX are asking for a special order to get information about people using FTX.

A group of people who owe the money of the Celsius networks want to ask another company called FTX for information about some digital wallets. They feel that these wallets were used for some works that are not allowed between April and August.

The committee wants to see information from FTX to see whether people were doing proper trade or cheating. He asked the court to help in getting this information on 26 April.

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A company named Elements is investigating whether some money roaming in a particular computer system called “Blockchain” may be bad or wrong.

The group asked someone who knows a lot about a special way to keep a track of money called “Blockchain” to help them find any speed of money.

One company found that 947 things happened where people put a special type of money in their secret wallet, and then withdraw it and put it in another wallet run by a website called FTX. This happened in three days.

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FTX agrees to buy something from the company related to Miami International Holdings.

A company named FTX sold a part of its business that allows people to buy and sell things called Crypto in $50 million. But they must first wait for the special court to say that it is fine.

Investigations about people who have secretly worked can help find out that Celsius.