The Fed's balance has decreased, the crypto market, Sp500 went into a correction, and bitcoin is falling faster than Sp500.

BTC is the most risky asset, because it shows weaker than the US index, BUT…

Now in the US, many Sp500 companies report quarterly.

The global economy is in recession, which means that you should not expect any impressive results from companies. We expect Sp500 to fall, followed by Bitcoin.

🔍 Now you need to closely monitor the macro data of the US market.

As you can see on the chart, the Fed's balance sheet was already falling below its current levels at the end of February, which led to the bankruptcy of a number of banks.

And as a result, new money was poured into the market, which led to the growth of the crypto market 🌪️

The leaders of central banks do not know how to solve problems differently, and with such a financial system there is no way out other than printing money.

Therefore, as soon as the Fed's balance sheet starts to grow again, the crypto market will continue to rally with double strength.

Friends, no matter if you trade long/short - be sure to use stops in trades 🛡️

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