Investing in a newly listed cryptocurrency like #STRK or #PIXEL on Binance can be highly speculative and risky. The coin rapidly spiking from $0.20 to $7 within seconds before sharply retracing, is characteristic of such nascent assets. While such price movements may present opportunities for quick profits, they also pose significant risks.

As an investor, it's essential to consider several factors before deciding whether to hold STRK/PIXEL:

1. Risk Tolerance: Investing in highly volatile assets requires a high tolerance for risk. If you're comfortable with the potential for substantial gains or losses within short periods, holding PIXEL may be an option.

2. Research and Fundamentals: Conduct thorough research into PIXEL's fundamentals, including its technology, use case, team, and community support. Assess whether the coin has long-term viability and potential for growth beyond speculative trading.

3. Diversification: Consider how holding STRK/PIXEL fits into your overall investment strategy and portfolio diversification. Investing solely in a highly volatile asset like PIXEL may expose you to excessive risk, so diversifying across different asset classes and cryptocurrencies can help mitigate risk.

4. Trading vs. Long-Term Holding: Determine whether your strategy aligns with short-term trading or long-term holding. Short-term traders may capitalize on price fluctuations, while long-term investors should evaluate STRK/PIXEL's potential for sustained growth and adoption.

5. Market Sentiment and Trends: Monitor market sentiment and trends surrounding STRK/PIXEL, including social media discussions, news coverage, and trading volumes. Be prepared to adjust your strategy based on changing market dynamics.

So far I can say, investing in new coins carries significant risks due to its extreme price volatility and speculative nature. While there may be opportunities for short-term gains, investors should approach with caution and carefully assess their risk tolerance, research, and investment objectives before deciding whether to go for it.