#Cartesi (#CTSI ) is a #Layer2 optimistic rollup designed to address the scalability and high fees issues of blockchains while taking smart contract and #Dapps development to the next level. Unlike running on the base layer of a blockchain, Cartesi runs on top of it in a way that allows smart contracts to scale while remaining secured by the blockchain.

Cartesi achieves this by leveraging the abundance of existing programming tools available on Linux, which powers a significant portion of the world's technology. This provides developers with a more attractive environment for building dApps and smart contracts, with features that enhance programming capabilities.

One of Cartesi's key features is its ability to perform real-world computations within a blockchain environment, taking advantage of both worlds' benefits. While blockchains struggle with intensive computations, Cartesi can rely on Linux's processing power to access all the tools and services developed for this operating system over the last few decades.

Another advantage of Cartesi is its portability, which allows its software nodes to run on any blockchain without being tied to the underlying blockchain's details. This feature divorces computations from the blockchain, making them portable, while still relying on the immutability and security of the underlying blockchain.

Lastly, Cartesi has achieved high consensus stability, with computations beyond the blockchain easily verifiable by any party. When disputes arise, Cartesi sorts them automatically, providing a consensus guarantee and minimizing the required computations.