The indicated transitions in the price of BTC are due to several reasons. Some important influencers may include:

1. **Dilutions and Demand:** Dilutions in the cryptocurrency market, people and trading experiences, increase the demand for BTC, which causes the price to increase.

2. **Blockchain News:** Blockchain news about BTC, updates in technology and innovations in the field of cryptocurrencies can also affect the price.

3. **Investors and commercial centers:** Interest and investments in crypto-currency by large investors, corporations or countries can also change the price.

4. **Changes in Trade Areas:** Cryptocurrencies are eligible for international trade, and changes in currency settlements and other areas of international trade may also affect the price.

5. **Regulatory Vulnerabilities:** Countries' laws and regulations regarding the cryptocurrency market can also affect the price of BTC.

Together, these factors can be complex to influence the price of BTC effectively and consistently.

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