Love Status, but wish you could easily find and connect with contacts from other (less private) communication channels? Head over to the forum where the Status community is discussing NIP-2, which deals with pseudonymous contact discovery:

The proposed new initiative would introduce a feature through which Status users can discover the contacts they have on other platforms (such as X or in their phone address book), easily connect with them in Status, and start chatting with them via Status in a private, secure, and decentralised way.

To succeed in its mission of bringing freedom of speech to the world, Status needs to succeed in gaining user adoption. With the messaging space being so dependent on ‘network effects’ (how many people would use a messenger app that none of their friends use?), this proposed feature could help bootstrap Status usage by making it trivially easy to connect with people you are already connected with via other social networks inside Status.

While the feature would bring benefits from a UX, user growth, and utility perspective and would be designed to achieve the maximum level of privacy protection possible, it would still reduce the privacy of those choosing to use it to a certain extent. Therefore, like with other Status features that involve any privacy compromise, it would always be optional to use. This is also why we want to get the community’s input, thoughts and ideas about this feature specifically.

If you have comments, feedback, suggestions, or concerns with this or any of the other NIPs, please join the ongoing discussions on the forum!