Binance vs SEC: Conspiracy or Truth?

Yesterday night CZ stepped down as #Binance CEO pleading guilty to criminal and civil charges and agreeing to pay $4.3B to the SEC.

As part of his plea deal, he is also facing 18 months in prison but was released quickly last night after paying a hefty $170M bond before his sentencing in Feb, 2024.

Recently, the SEC also delayed all the ETFs that were pretty set on getting approved. Is this all a coincidence? I think not.

Removing CZ and taking regulatory control over the biggest player in Binance right before the big boys like BlackRock, Invesco, and Fidelity step in could be the biggest political ploy made by the US Government in crypto.

There might be more FUD going forward and if you see BTC around $25K, fill your bags because that is the time where big players like BlackRock will enter and ETFs get approved right before the biggest bull run you'll ever see.