🚀 Airdrops are stealing the spotlight in 2024! 🎁

$TIA stakers scored MANTA, DYM, ALT, MILK, HYPR
$SOL stakers bagged JTO, PYTH, JUP
• ATOM stakers landed TIA, DYM, OSMO

Next up: JUP stakers!

Ready for a ticket to 5-figures from staking JUP? ✅

Jupiter dropped a whopping $800,000+, the biggest in 2024, distributed to everyone who touched the platform.

70% sold, but look at $TIA, $MANTA, $ZETA; they grew post-listing, and more airdrops for stakers followed.

My plan:

• Stake #JUP from the airdrop + bought ones
• Earn APR
• Ride the $JUP growth
• Future airdrops

Where I'm staking:

1/➮ Marginfi

✧ Lend JUP tokens
✧ Deposit, click "Supply"
✧ Point system guarantees future Airdrops

2/➮ DriftProtocol

✧ Deposit $JUP
✧ Lend for extra rewards
✧ Point system with Airdrop perks

3/➮ Kamino_Finance

✧ Deposit JUP tokens
✧ Choose JUP, click "Supply"
✧ Farm points, await a juicy JUP price

Get ready to ride the staking wave! 🌊 #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #JUPITER #AIRDROP