Cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, have been around for well-over a decade already and it's safe to say they have reached mass appeal and are now entering their mass-adoption stage. As we turn our back to another bear cycle and making fast steps toward the next super bull-run, we are bound to see even more public interest and attention shift in the direction of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

On e thing that many new entrants in the crypto space often overlook though, is to learn about the assets that they invest in. As more people become interested in this decentralized digital currency and its potential to revolutionize the financial industry, it's important to educate ourselves on the subject. That's why I recommend watching these 10 movies about Bitcoin, which offer a range of perspectives on the currency and its impact on the world.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting to learn about Bitcoin, these films provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and challenges of this revolutionary technology. By watching these movies, you can gain a better understanding of how Bitcoin is changing the way we think about money and finance, and what the future may hold for this exciting and transformative technology.

(Sidenote) Most of these are freely available on Youtube in their entirety, but for copyright reasons I will not include any links (Binance will not let me do this even if I tried...)

  1. "The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin" (2014) - This was the first documentary I saw about Bitcoin and it follows the journey of a Bitcoin enthusiast named Dan who becomes obsessed with the currency and its potential. The film provides an in-depth look at the history of Bitcoin and its impact on the financial world.

    The film provides an in-depth look at the history of Bitcoin, including its origins and early adopters. It also features interviews with prominent figures in the Bitcoin community, such as Charlie Shrem, Gavin Andresen, and Erik Voorhees, who share their insights on the technology's potential and its challenges.

    As the film progresses, we see Dan's passion for Bitcoin grow, as he travels to different parts of the world to attend Bitcoin conferences and meet other enthusiasts. We also witness the ups and downs of Bitcoin's value, including the infamous Mt. Gox hack that resulted in the loss of millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin.

    Overall, "The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin" offers a compelling and informative look at the rise of this digital currency and its potential impact on the world. It highlights the enthusiasm and optimism of the Bitcoin community, while also acknowledging the challenges and controversies that come with a new and disruptive technology. Whether you're a Bitcoin enthusiast or simply curious about this new form of money, this film is a must-watch.

  2. "Bit x Bit: In Bitcoin We Trust" is a 2018 documentary film that provides an in-depth look into the world of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The movie delves into the history of Bitcoin, its rise in popularity, and its potential to transform the traditional financial system. Being one of the most recent documentaries on the subject, I would recommend that ahead of the older ones, purely because it takes into account a lot more recent events that play a role into the crypto adoption and mass appeal.

    The film features interviews with various experts in the field of Bitcoin, including entrepreneurs, investors, and enthusiasts. They discuss the technical aspects of Bitcoin, its potential to disrupt traditional financial systems, and the various debates and controversies surrounding the cryptocurrency.

    One of the unique aspects of "Bit x Bit" is its focus on the intersection between technology and economics. The film examines how Bitcoin uses blockchain technology to create a decentralized financial system, and how this system can potentially provide greater financial freedom and security for individuals.

    Throughout the film, we see examples of how Bitcoin is being used around the world, including in countries with unstable or corrupt financial systems. The movie highlights how Bitcoin can provide greater financial inclusion and access for individuals who have been excluded from traditional financial systems.

    The film also discusses the challenges and risks associated with Bitcoin, including its volatility and potential for fraud and hacking. It offers insights into the ongoing debates within the Bitcoin community, including discussions around scalability, governance, and regulation.

    Overall, "Bit x Bit" is a captivating and informative film that provides a comprehensive overview of Bitcoin and its potential impact on the world. Whether you're a cryptocurrency enthusiast or simply curious about the technology, this film offers a nuanced and informative exploration of this revolutionary new form of currency.

  3. "Banking on Bitcoin" (2016) - a documentary film that explores the rise of Bitcoin as a disruptive force in the financial industry. The movie takes a critical look at the traditional banking system and how Bitcoin's decentralized technology challenges the status quo.

    The film features interviews with various experts, including economists, journalists, and Bitcoin entrepreneurs. It provides a historical perspective on the financial crisis of 2008 and how Bitcoin emerged as a potential alternative to the traditional banking system.

    "Banking on Bitcoin" also delves into the controversy surrounding the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, known only by the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. The film explores the speculation around his true identity and the potential implications of his anonymity.

    One of the central themes of the movie is the potential of Bitcoin to empower individuals and disrupt the existing financial system. It showcases examples of people who have used Bitcoin to circumvent restrictions and regulations in countries with unstable or corrupt governments.

    Overall, "Banking on Bitcoin" is an eye-opening and thought-provoking documentary that offers a critical examination of the traditional banking system and the potential of Bitcoin to offer an alternative. It raises important questions about the future of money and finance, and whether Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could ultimately replace traditional currencies.

  4. "Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It" is a documentary film released in 2015 that explores the rise of Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency that has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry. The film traces the history of money from the barter system to the gold standard and eventually to the current system of fiat currency, and argues that Bitcoin represents the next evolution in the concept of money.

    The film features interviews with experts in the field of economics, finance, and technology who discuss the potential impact of Bitcoin on the world economy. They explain the advantages of Bitcoin, such as its ability to be transferred instantly and securely, its low transaction fees, and its ability to operate independently of government control or interference.

    The film also delves into the controversies surrounding Bitcoin, including its association with illegal activities such as money laundering and drug trafficking, as well as its volatility and lack of mainstream adoption.

    Overall, "Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It" presents a thought-provoking examination of the potential benefits and challenges of Bitcoin, and raises important questions about the future of money and finance in the digital age.

  5. "Bitcoin Heist" (2016) - This Vietnamese action film follows a group of criminals (hackers) who plan a daring heist to steal millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin. The movie features thrilling action sequences, suspenseful plot twists, and a unique portrayal of Bitcoin as the ultimate prize.

    The film takes place in the future where Bitcoin has become the dominant form of currency, and a group of hackers and criminals plan to steal 10,000 Bitcoins from a trading floor. To do this, they recruit a team of skilled individuals with unique talents, including a master hacker, a professional thief, and a former cop.

    As the team prepares for the heist, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including rival gangs and unexpected betrayals. The movie is filled with exciting action scenes, including high-speed motorcycle chases and intense gunfights.

    One of the unique aspects of "Bitcoin Heist" is its portrayal of Bitcoin as the ultimate prize. The characters view Bitcoin as a new form of power and a symbol of wealth, and their pursuit of it drives the action of the film. This provides a fresh take on the traditional heist movie genre.

    Overall, "Bitcoin Heist" is an entertaining and action-packed film that offers a unique portrayal of Bitcoin. While it may not be as informative as other documentaries about the cryptocurrency, it provides a fun and thrilling ride for those interested in Bitcoin and heist movies alike.

  6. "Crypto" (2019) - Although only fictional, this is a great movie to watch for purely entertainment purpose. It's possibly the biggest budget crypto movie out there, a thriller, featuring Kurt Russel and Luke Hemsworth, and explores the intersection of cryptocurrency and crime. The movie follows a young Wall Street banker, Martin, who is sent to a small town in upstate New York to investigate a potential fraud case involving a local businessman and his cryptocurrency mining operation.

    As Martin delves deeper into the case, he discovers a complex web of corruption and deceit that threatens to engulf him. He encounters a cast of colorful characters, including a corrupt mayor, a violent Russian gangster, and a local farmer who has turned to cryptocurrency mining to save his family farm.

    Throughout the film, "Crypto" highlights the potential dangers and risks associated with the use of cryptocurrency. The film shows how criminals can use Bitcoin and other digital currencies to launder money, buy drugs and weapons, and fund illegal activities.

    In addition to its thrilling plot, "Crypto" also provides insights into the technology behind cryptocurrency and its potential to disrupt the traditional banking system. The film examines the benefits and drawbacks of using cryptocurrency, including its potential to provide financial services to the unbanked and its susceptibility to fraud and hacking.

    Overall, "Crypto" is a gripping and entertaining film that offers a unique perspective on the intersection of cryptocurrency and crime. While it may not be the most informative documentary about Bitcoin, it provides an engaging and entertaining look at the potential risks and rewards of using digital currencies.

  7. "Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain" (2018) - This documentary explores the broader implications of blockchain technology, of which Bitcoin is a key component. The film provides an in-depth look at the potential impact of blockchain on industries beyond finance.

    "Trust Machine: The Story of Blockchain" is a 2018 documentary film that explores the history and potential of blockchain technology. The movie provides an in-depth look at how blockchain has evolved from its origins in Bitcoin to its current applications in a wide range of industries.

    The film features interviews with experts in the blockchain community, including entrepreneurs, investors, and academics. They discuss the technical aspects of blockchain, its potential to disrupt industries like finance and healthcare, and the social implications of a decentralized system.

    One of the unique aspects of "Trust Machine" is its focus on the social and political implications of blockchain. The film examines how blockchain can potentially democratize access to financial services and create more equitable systems. It also explores the potential risks associated with the technology, including concerns about privacy and security.

    Throughout the film, we see real-world examples of blockchain in action, including its use in supply chain management, voting systems, and even music distribution. These examples provide a tangible demonstration of the potential of blockchain to transform industries and create new opportunities.


  8. "Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble" - a 2018 documentary film that explores the phenomenon of Bitcoin and its impact on the world. The movie offers a comprehensive overview of Bitcoin, its history, and its potential future as a revolutionary new form of currency.

    The film features interviews with experts in the field of cryptocurrency, including economists, investors, and Bitcoin enthusiasts. They discuss the technical aspects of Bitcoin, its potential as a decentralized system, and its impact on traditional financial systems.

    One of the unique aspects of "Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble" is its focus on the social and political implications of Bitcoin. The movie examines the potential of Bitcoin to disrupt traditional power structures and create a more equitable global financial system.

    Throughout the film, we see examples of how Bitcoin is being used around the world, including in countries with unstable or corrupt financial systems. The movie highlights how Bitcoin can provide financial services to the unbanked and underserved populations, and create new opportunities for economic growth.

    The film also discusses the challenges and risks associated with Bitcoin, including its volatility and potential for fraud and hacking. It offers insights into the various debates within the Bitcoin community, including the ongoing discussion around the scalability and governance of the network.


  9. "Bitcoin Gospel" (2015) - another early documentary film that explores the emergence and potential of Bitcoin as a decentralized form of currency. The movie provides a comprehensive overview of Bitcoin, its history, and its potential as a revolutionary new financial system.

    The film features interviews with various experts in the field of Bitcoin, including economists, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts. They discuss the technical aspects of Bitcoin, its potential to transform traditional financial systems, and the various debates and controversies surrounding the cryptocurrency.

    One of the unique aspects of "Bitcoin Gospel" is its focus on the social and political implications of Bitcoin. The film examines how Bitcoin can provide financial services to the unbanked and underserved populations, and how it can potentially disrupt traditional power structures.

    Throughout the film, we see examples of how Bitcoin is being used around the world, including in countries with unstable or corrupt financial systems. The movie highlights how Bitcoin can provide greater financial freedom and security for individuals and communities.

    The film also discusses the challenges and risks associated with Bitcoin, including its volatility and potential for fraud and hacking. It offers insights into the ongoing debates within the Bitcoin community, including discussions around scalability and governance.


  10. "Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution" is a 2017 documentary film that explores the emergence and potential of Bitcoin as a decentralized form of currency. The movie provides a comprehensive overview of Bitcoin, its history, and its potential as a revolutionary new financial system.

    The film features interviews with various experts in the field of Bitcoin, including entrepreneurs, investors, and enthusiasts. They discuss the technical aspects of Bitcoin, its potential to transform traditional financial systems, and the various debates and controversies surrounding the cryptocurrency.

    One of the unique aspects of "Magic Money" is its focus on the cultural and philosophical implications of Bitcoin. The film examines how Bitcoin challenges traditional notions of money and value, and how it can create a more equitable and decentralized financial system.

    Throughout the film, we see examples of how Bitcoin is being used around the world, including in countries with unstable or corrupt financial systems. The movie highlights how Bitcoin can provide greater financial freedom and security for individuals and communities.

    The film also discusses the challenges and risks associated with Bitcoin, including its volatility and potential for fraud and hacking. It offers insights into the various debates within the Bitcoin community, including discussions around scalability, governance, and the role of regulation.


  11. "Life on Bitcoin" (2014) - This documentary follows the journey of a young couple, Austin and Beccy Craig, who decide to live solely on Bitcoin for three months. The movie explores the practical challenges of using Bitcoin in everyday life and how it affects their relationship.

    The film provides an in-depth look at the couple's journey as they navigate the world of Bitcoin, from finding merchants who accept the currency to dealing with the volatility of its value. It also examines the potential benefits of using Bitcoin, including its low transaction fees, its ability to facilitate international transactions, and its potential to provide financial services to the unbanked.

    Throughout the film, we see the couple grappling with the challenges of using Bitcoin in the real world. They face unexpected hurdles, such as finding housing and paying for groceries with the digital currency. However, they also discover the potential of Bitcoin to empower individuals and create a more inclusive financial system.

    "Life on Bitcoin" also features interviews with experts in the Bitcoin community, who offer insights into the technology's potential and its challenges. They discuss the history of Bitcoin, its potential to disrupt the traditional banking system, and the debates surrounding its regulation.

    Overall, "Life on Bitcoin" is an engaging and entertaining documentary that provides a personal perspective on the potential of Bitcoin. It highlights the practical challenges and benefits of using the digital currency, while also offering insights into its potential to transform the financial industry. Whether you're a Bitcoin enthusiast or simply curious about the technology, this film is a must-watch.


In conclusion, these movies about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are not only entertaining but also highly informative and educational. Each of them provides a unique perspective on the world of Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and the potential impact of cryptocurrencies on our financial system. These films are a must-watch for anyone who is interested in understanding the rapidly evolving world of crypto and blockchain technology. Whether you are a seasoned crypto investor or just getting started, these films will provide valuable insights and deepen your understanding of this revolutionary new technology. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy these fascinating and thought-provoking films.