The prosecution is also investigating the #Bithumb leaders and employees for listing virtual currencies in exchange for payment.

Similar to the South Korean encryption exchange Coinone, it was revealed on March 17 that employees of the South Korean encryption exchange Bithumb are also under investigation by law enforcement for allegedly taking payment to list cryptocurrencies. The office of Bithumb Holdings and the suspect Lee were taken and searched by the Financial Investigation Division 2 of the Seoul Southern District Prosecutors Office.

While the prosecution is undertaking an investigation, it is impossible to say, the platform official said. But I'm not sure what it's about because the prosecutor's office's seizure and search did not target Bithumb assets, but rather humans.

Mr. Lee, a worker for Bithumb Holdings, the company that owns this virtual asset exchange, is being investigated by the prosecution for listing a certain virtual currency on the exchange for cash. Her aunt's home and the office of Bithumb Holdings are alleged to have been searched and confiscated by the Financial Investigation Division 2 of the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor's Office, led by Chief Prosecutor Chae Hee-man.

A former Coinone employee named Jeon was under investigation in February by the Seoul Southern District Prosecutor's Office for allegedly accepting hundreds of millions of won in exchange for listing many cryptocurrencies that had just been introduced to the market.

Other #virtual asset exchanges were put on high alert when the prosecution began looking into Bithumb and Coinone, the second and third largest companies in the sector, on the basis of allegations of #illegal listing. This is due to the fact that there has been ongoing debate in the virtual asset market regarding "illegal listing," which involves the listing of virtual currencies for money, and that new problems could arise as a result of the investigation by the prosecution.