
Hello, Binance Square!

Few say this is the future … others claim it has no relationship with fundamentals and logics.

In any case bitcoin will either gulp down majority of the investors and their major investments before crashing or it will become the more efficient and sensible to buy Btc than gold or silver…. In both the case, it will rally towards the end price numbers to which we don’t expect it to rally and if it has to crash it will only crash after taking us all in….

Hence how do we use this opportunity without burning our fingers???

1) Use not more than 10% of your entire portfolio value.

2)Trade with predefined targets and stop losses for getting over sentiments and not getting sentimental.

3)If you miss a rally or fall I.e an opportunity you had prepared or thought about…avoid being in the situation of FOMO and write down issues you come across.

*Not a Financial Advice* but you all know… it is 😊💕❤️