#BurnBabyBurn #shiba #ShibaInuBurnMechanism

How does the system actually work to burn tokens? 🔥🔥🔥

—The burning of tokens is a process in which a certain amount of cryptocurrency is permanently withdrawn from circulation. This is often done to reduce the offer and potentially increase the value of the remaining tokens.

—It usually works by sending the tokens to a special address from which they can no longer be retrieved. This process is transparent and is often carried out by so-called "burn addresses". A smart contract can be programmed to send the tokens to this address, and they will then remain inaccessible forever.

—It is a measure used by various cryptocurrencies to control the offer and sometimes as a strategic decision for the token ecosystem.

Let's see how far Shiba manages to minimise his offer!

What do you think we can do in 2024 the $0.01? Feel free to write it in the comments

Make us rich Shiba Inu $$$$$$$$🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥