According to BlockBeats, on July 7th, three new addresses have withdrawn a total of 329,700 LINK tokens from the Centralized Exchange (CEX) within the past 24 hours. The total value of these tokens is approximately 4.18 million USD.

The data was monitored and reported by The Data Nerd. The withdrawal of such a large amount of LINK tokens from CEX is noteworthy. However, the reasons behind these transactions are not clear.

It is important to note that the addresses are new, which could suggest a variety of possibilities. It could be a sign of new investors entering the market, or it could indicate a shift in the distribution of LINK tokens.

The LINK token is the native cryptocurrency of the Chainlink network, a decentralized oracle network that aims to connect smart contracts with real-world data. The value of LINK has been on a steady rise, making it a popular choice among investors.

This news highlights the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market, where large transactions can occur at any time. It also underscores the importance of monitoring these transactions to understand the market trends and movements.