According to Odaily, Taiwan Mobile's wholly-owned subsidiary, Fusheng Digital Co., Ltd., has successfully completed the 'Anti-Money Laundering Act Compliance Statement'. This achievement marks the company as the 26th virtual asset platform operator in Taiwan. The latest list released by Taiwan's 'Financial Supervisory Commission' today confirmed this development.

Taiwan Mobile, a leading telecommunications operator, holds 100% of the shares in Fusheng Digital Co., Ltd. The successful completion of the 'Anti-Money Laundering Act Compliance Statement' is a significant step for the company. It demonstrates the company's commitment to adhering to legal regulations and maintaining transparency in its operations.

This development further strengthens Taiwan's position in the virtual asset market. As the 26th virtual asset platform operator in the region, Fusheng Digital Co., Ltd. joins a growing list of companies that are contributing to the expansion and development of the virtual asset industry in Taiwan.