According to BlockBeats, on July 2, the Polkadot official Chinese community issued a statement in response to the high expenditure news in the market. The community urged all DOT holders not to support more advertising exposure proposals. This includes any collaboration or sponsorship of sports events, advertising placements, sponsoring concerts, and collaborations with key opinion leaders (KOLs).

The community stated, 'This is meaningless. Let's focus on how to cultivate strong ecosystem applications. Let's spend our money on exposing these products.' The current needs of the Polkadot community are: 1. Empowering teams that have already established great products, providing them with liquidity incentives to attract users to use these great products; 2. Continuously cultivating and exploring new teams, new products, and new applications; 3. Only when a user-friendly unicorn application emerges, it can attract a large number of users to the Polkadot ecosystem and keep them in the Polkadot ecosystem.

The statement reflects the community's desire to shift the focus from advertising to the development and exposure of products within the Polkadot ecosystem. The community believes that the value of the ecosystem will be enhanced by focusing on the development of strong applications and attracting users to these applications, rather than spending on advertising and sponsorships.