According to Foresight News, Ola, the second-layer modular ZKVM project, has announced plans to distribute 1% of its total token supply to 206,242 participants of the first season of its mobile node verification network, Massive. A new user interface (UI) with a token claim eligibility query feature is set to be launched. Users will be able to input their addresses to check if they are eligible to claim S1 tokens and the corresponding future S1 token allocation.

Users are required to maintain active status in the Massive network before the Token Generation Event (TGE) to be eligible for the final Ola token claim. Ola Massive operates on a seasonal basis for point settlement, and each season introduces different point-boosting limited-time events. The project is currently in its second season.

Participants can not only earn point-locked tokens by performing ZKP verification on the Massive network and inviting friends to join, but they can also accelerate token accumulation by participating in events. This initiative is part of Ola's strategy to encourage user participation and engagement within its network.