According to BlockBeats, Ethereum experienced an on-chain loan liquidation amounting to approximately $11.64 million near the $3234 mark on June 15. The data was provided by DefiLlama, a leading source of DeFi statistics and analytics.

This significant liquidation event indicates a substantial movement in the Ethereum market. However, the implications of this event on the overall market trends and future price movements of Ethereum are yet to be determined.

It's important to note that on-chain loan liquidation is a common occurrence in the cryptocurrency market, especially in volatile market conditions. It occurs when borrowers fail to maintain the required collateral ratio, leading to the automatic sale of their collateral to repay the loan.

This news comes amidst a period of heightened interest and activity in the Ethereum market, with investors and traders closely monitoring these developments. The data provided by DefiLlama offers valuable insights into the dynamics of the Ethereum market, contributing to a better understanding of its performance and potential future trends.