According to PANews, the idea of a 'Decentralized Disney' has been a popular concept among retail investors and venture capital firms in the last cycle. Despite high expectations and seed funding, this vision has not been realized. The failure is primarily due to the lack of recognition that the foundation for a decentralized Disney already exists and is thriving through memes that spread rapidly on the internet.

The Z generation urgently needs a program told in their language - the language of internet culture. The old stories of boys and girls struggling in big cities, chasing dreams, and achieving a fulfilling life are no longer appealing.

The real issue lies in curation, not creation. The internet has produced an unlimited number of characters and their derivatives, growing exponentially in all directions. There is no need to create new intellectual property (IP). Instead, we need to curate those existing, organic, and beloved communities and visual languages. Memes are the pillars of internet culture, and their decentralized nature embodies the spirit of cryptocurrency. We don't need to invent new IPs, and we certainly don't need to slow down the creative process with hundreds or thousands of people.

What we need to do is curate existing, organically developed, and beloved communities. Despite the decentralized creative process promoting diverse contributions, it often leads to fragmented and inconsistent content. A centralized curator, in this case, proposed to be CC0 Studios, can manage these contributions, ensuring a unified vision and quality control. This approach combines the advantages of decentralized creativity while providing the structure needed to produce coherent and marketable content.

Through centralized management, we can simplify communication, ensuring a more consistent final product, as you don't want to fall into the trap of 'too many cooks spoil the broth.'

CC0 Studios and ordinary netizens aim to use existing internet and crypto-native memes and intellectual property to create content that speaks the language of the internet. By living at the intersection of internet native culture and crypto-native meme culture, we will build a library of super-spreadable and shareable online content. This strategy, supported by a community with common financial incentives, aims to bring these characters to the public, driving a new wave of digital culture that is both creative and economically beneficial.

In conclusion, the future of entertainment does not lie in creating a new Disney, but in recognizing and nurturing the existing decentralized Disney. By curating and stimulating thriving online meme communities, we can create a new paradigm of high-quality entertainment rooted in internet culture.