According to Odaily, the iSports betting platform has officially launched, planning to use ZkSync's Layer 2 technology to provide users with fast, low-cost, and secure betting services. iSports aims to empower users in transactions through a multi-match hedging model, ensuring transparency and fairness.

In the future, iSports will continue to enhance transparency and security, expand its ecosystem and partners, and drive industry innovation. The platform is committed to becoming the preferred choice for users, offering a reliable and secure betting experience.

The utilization of ZkSync's Layer 2 technology by iSports is a significant step in the betting industry. This technology will enable faster transactions, lower fees, and increased security for users, making the betting process more efficient and user-friendly.

The platform's commitment to transparency and fairness is also noteworthy. By using a multi-match hedging model, iSports ensures that users have more control over their transactions. This approach not only enhances user experience but also promotes trust in the platform.

iSports' future plans include further enhancing its transparency and security measures, expanding its ecosystem, and fostering partnerships. These initiatives are aimed at driving innovation in the betting industry and establishing iSports as a trusted platform for users.

In conclusion, the launch of iSports represents a significant advancement in the betting industry. The platform's use of advanced technology, commitment to transparency and fairness, and plans for future growth all indicate its potential to become a leading player in the industry.