According to Odaily, Base has announced the 12th batch of winners for the Base Builder Grants on the X platform in 2024. The winners include Evolution of Curls by nygilia.eth, Based Puppets by Sm0ggy, Paycrest by chibie.eth, Cranium by Tatout on Base, Automod by jtgi, Based collection by eneowaith.eth, and Lil Sips by Elric and subtle_bubble.

The Base Builder Grants are a significant initiative by Base, aimed at encouraging and supporting innovative projects on their platform. The winners are selected based on their unique and creative contributions to the Base platform.

This announcement marks the 12th round of the grant distribution, highlighting Base's ongoing commitment to fostering innovation and creativity within its user community. The winners will receive support and resources from Base to further develop their projects and contribute to the platform's growth.