According to Odaily, Brave, the privacy-focused browser, has announced that after nearly 18 months of testing and feedback from initial partners, Brave Search Ads has completed its testing phase. It is now live as part of Brave's innovative privacy-protecting advertising platform in major markets. Leading brands such as Dell, Fubo, Insurify, Shutterstock, and Thumbtack are incorporating Brave Search Ads into their performance marketing strategies.

The launch of Brave Search Ads in major markets marks a significant milestone for the privacy-focused browser. The platform has been under testing for nearly a year and a half, with feedback from initial partners playing a crucial role in its development. Now, with the testing phase completed, Brave Search Ads is set to become a key component of the advertising strategies of leading brands.

Among the brands that are integrating Brave Search Ads into their marketing strategies are Dell, Fubo, Insurify, Shutterstock, and Thumbtack. These brands are known for their innovative approaches to marketing and their adoption of Brave Search Ads is a testament to the platform's potential. With privacy concerns becoming increasingly important for consumers, platforms like Brave that prioritize privacy protection are likely to become more popular in the advertising industry.