According to Odaily, Vitalik Buterin has recently expressed that L2 is a cultural extension of Ethereum. He pointed out that Ethereum is an ecosystem centered around L2, allowing for the independent construction of unique sub-ecosystems. These sub-ecosystems are also part of the larger Ethereum network.

L2 can and indeed does implement some specific ways of cultural specialization. These include a greater willingness to expand users or 'business expansion', an emphasis on the diversity of values, and the diversity of participants. This perspective from Buterin underlines the potential of L2 to foster a diverse and inclusive environment within the Ethereum ecosystem.

In his statement, Buterin emphasized that the L2-centric nature of Ethereum allows for the creation of unique sub-ecosystems. This flexibility and adaptability are key to Ethereum's success and growth. The emphasis on diversity, both in terms of values and participants, further underscores the inclusive nature of the Ethereum ecosystem.

In conclusion, Buterin's comments highlight the importance of L2 as a cultural extension of Ethereum. The ability to create unique sub-ecosystems and the emphasis on diversity are key aspects of Ethereum's L2-centric nature. This perspective provides valuable insights into the future development and growth of the Ethereum ecosystem.