According to Odaily, Pyth, a decentralized oracle service, has announced the launch of its price feeds service, Pyth Price Feeds, and Pyth Entropy on Taiko. Pyth Entropy is designed to provide a range of consumer and financial services for the Taiko ecosystem, from prediction markets to games and NFTs. It is reported that the integration of Price Feeds and Entropy does not require any permissions.

Pyth's services are expected to enhance the functionality and user experience within the Taiko ecosystem. The introduction of Pyth Price Feeds and Pyth Entropy will allow users to access real-time price data and a variety of services, respectively. This move is seen as a significant step towards expanding the capabilities of the Taiko platform.

The launch of these services on Taiko is part of Pyth's ongoing efforts to provide decentralized oracle services to a wider audience. By offering these services, Pyth aims to foster a more inclusive and efficient digital economy. The company's commitment to decentralization and permissionless access is reflected in the integration of these services, which do not require any permissions to use.