According to U.Today, Elon Musk, the tech mogul and founder of xAI startup, shared his vision of a future where artificial intelligence (AI) impacts all aspects of human life, particularly employment. This vision was shared during the VivaTech conference. Musk predicts a utopian future where all jobs become optional due to the rise of AI. He believes that AI and robots will be able to provide any goods and services that people need, making work optional. Some people may choose to keep their jobs as hobbies, but the necessity to work will be eliminated.

Contrary to Musk's optimistic view, many people fear the advancement of AI. They worry that AI will take over their jobs, leading to widespread unemployment. Despite these fears, Musk remains positive about the potential of AI. He previously predicted that within three years, AI will be capable of writing novels as good as those by J.K. Rowling, discovering new physics, and excelling in any field that humans are good at.

However, Musk also emphasizes the importance of training AI to be truthful and curious. He believes that this will allow AI to foster humanity rather than destroy it, as depicted in the classic movie '2001: A Space Odyssey'. In the film, the AI on a spaceship, Hall, kills all the space crew because it was trained to lie to them. Musk's vision of AI is one where it serves humanity, rather than posing a threat.