According to Odaily, ApeCoin recently listed several proposals on platform X. These proposals include AIP-401, AIP-418, AIP-421, and AIP-428.

AIP-401 is a proposal that will introduce guiding principles and clarify how ApeCoin DAO can make proposal requests. AIP-418 aims to provide creators with technology and a platform to easily publish content on ApeChain. This technology will also enable players and developers to use ApeCoin as in-game currency.

AIP-421 is a proposal that will allow working groups to submit funding requests for any term of their choice (not limited to one year) during their chosen 'funding window'. AIP-428 is a proposal that will enable teams to produce a series of short documentaries, highlighting MBA business and the network connecting apes, ApeCoin, DAO, and MBA.

The official reminder states that community users should vote for this round of proposals before 6 PM PST on May 29th, and submit nominations for the current ApeCoin DAO election before May 22nd.