According to BlockBeats, on April 23, Flow Traders and GSR Markets, two market makers, received tokens from the SAFE project's multi-signature address 11 hours ago. Within the past hour, they have each deposited 2.5 million tokens into CEX. Specifically, Flow Traders received 6.2 million tokens, while GSR Markets received 3.5 million tokens.

The tokens were transferred from the SAFE project's multi-signature address, which is a type of digital wallet that requires multiple signatures to make a transaction. This is a common security measure in the cryptocurrency industry. The tokens were then deposited into CEX, a cryptocurrency exchange.

The exact purpose of this transaction is not clear. However, the large number of tokens involved suggests that it could be a significant move for both Flow Traders and GSR Markets. This event could potentially impact the market dynamics of the tokens involved, depending on how the tokens are used or traded in the future.