According to BlockBeats, during the previous bull market cycle, whales made a profit of $2.3 billion through trading altcoins such as $MATIC and $DOGE. After a month of investigating their wallets, potential low market cap altcoins with 100x returns on $BASE have been discovered.

Currently, the cryptocurrency market is gradually soaring to new heights. The market has shifted from PVP (player vs player) mode to PVE (player vs environment) mode, where almost every opportunity can lead to abnormal profits. Over 200 smart wallet addresses on the Base chain were analyzed, revealing that these individuals made hundreds of dollars simply by purchasing low market cap altcoins.

Some of the potential altcoins include FOMO ON BASE ($FOMO), ponchoBASE ($PONCHO), bloo ($BLOO), Earn Finance ($EARNFI), MYSTCL ($MYST), BriunArmstrung ($BRIUN), Pepebutblue ($PBB), ElonRWA ($ELONRWA), and Based Buttman ($BUTT). These altcoins have strong marketing campaigns, loyal communities, and unique concepts that have gained support from the cryptocurrency community. With the current market conditions, these low market cap altcoins have the potential to bring significant profits to their holders.