Here's a breakdown of Meta's performance over the past months:

Aug'23: +1.17%

Sep'23: +3.51%

Oct'23: +1.8%

Nov'23*: +1.57%

*Performance data is accurate until November 7, 2023, 00:00 UTC.

Market-neutral strategies are essential in investing for two key reasons. Firstly, by balancing long and short positions, they act as a hedge against overall market volatility, minimizing the impact of fluctuations and ensuring a more stable return profile.

Secondly, market-neutral approaches can provide consistent returns regardless of whether the market is in an upswing or downturn. This adaptability is crucial for investors seeking to navigate various market conditions and reduce dependency on overall market direction.

If you're looking for independence from the rollercoaster of market fluctuations and aiming for steady, reliable returns, now is the perfect time to explore the possibilities with Meta.

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