**Unraveling XRP Price Glitches: From Alleged $34,603 Surge to $0.0001 Crash 🔄💰**

XRP enthusiasts recently reported multiple alleged glitches, including a disputed $1,919 surge on ConMarketCap, a momentary $5,791 fluctuation on Binance, and even a crash to $0.0001. However, these claims face scrutiny within the XRP community.

**Key Points 📊:**

- **Recent Glitch Claims:** Alleged anomalies in XRP prices include a disputed $1,919 surge on ConMarketCap.

- **XRP Army Disputes:** Some community members dispute the recent glitch claims, citing lack of evidence and isolated observations.

- **Previous Anomalies:** Instances of XRP anomalies on Binance, Gemini, Poloniex, and Bitrue have been documented this year.

- **Graphical Manipulation:** Some glitch claims, like the $34,603 surge, are criticized for potential graphical manipulation, lacking concrete evidence.

**Confirmed Anomalies 🔄:**

1. **Binance (October 30):** XRP briefly listed at $5,791 on Binance, witnessed by multiple enthusiasts.

2. **Gemini (August):** XRP surged momentarily to $50 on Gemini after its listing.

3. **Poloniex (July):** XRP's price crashed to zero on Poloniex, followed by a quick recovery.

4. **Bitrue (April):** On Bitrue's derivative market, XRP's price plunged to $0.0001, causing liquidation of many long positions.

**Unfounded Cases ❌:**

1. **$34,603 Surge (October):** XRP influencer shared a video depicting a surge to $34,603; investigations suggested potential graphical manipulation.

2. **Other Platforms (Various):** XRP glitches reported on Bitstamp, Uphold, Kraken, and Coinbase were often based on manipulated images and lacked concrete evidence.

**Conclusion 🧐:**

While XRP has experienced genuine anomalies, recent claims face skepticism within the community due to insufficient evidence and a history of manipulated visuals.

**Stay Vigilant! 🔍 #XRPPrice #CryptoAnomalies #BlockchainTransparency #XRP #JojoDaily $XRP