NEWS: The Simpsons roasted NFTs in their annual Halloween special, titled "Treehouse of Horror XXXIII," which aired on October 30, 2023. In the episode, Homer purchases an NFT from Bored Ape, which he calls "Bored Ape Yacht Club" and The Simpson family quickly finds itself sucked into the world of NFTs.

Despite the negative portrayal of NFTs in the episode, an NFT collection called "Simpsons Money" reached near the top of the OpenSea charts after the episode's release. The collection features images of The Simpsons characters rendered in a pixelated style.

In other NFT news, Yuga Labs, the company behind the popular Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT collection, announced on August 4, 2023 that its chief operating officer, Wylie Aronow, had resigned after a series of anti-Semitic tweets resurfaced. . The tweets, which were posted in 2018, were widely condemned by the NFT community.

Aronow apologized for the tweets and said he had "grown and changed" since then. Yuga Labs said it was "deeply disappointed" by Aronow's tweets and was committed to creating an "inclusive and welcoming" community.

The Simpsons' roasting of NFTs and the resignation of Yuga Labs' COO are signs that the NFT space is still maturing. The space is still dealing with issues like scams, fraud, and lack of diversity. However, the fact that NFTs are popping up in popular culture and that companies like Yuga Labs are taking steps to address these issues is a sign that the space is moving in the right direction.

Source: Cointelegraph

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