On the evening of October 10th, ETCS Space made a groundbreaking announcement by launching the X Plan. Shortly thereafter, Unisat followed suit with the release of a detailed swap launch schedule.

Fast forward to the evening of October 23rd, and the #ETCS Academy added another layer of excitement by declaring the initiation of the second phase of the X Plan. However, the community's anticipation hit a slight delay as Unisat announced a revised swap launch date, pushing it back to October 31st.

This sequence of events underscores a valuable lesson: unwavering determination often paves the way for the most favorable outcomes. In the world of cryptocurrencies, as in life, resolute action can lead to destiny's best arrangements. Keep an eye on these developments in the world of #Ordinals, #brc20, and #etcs as the journey unfolds.

#etcs #lightningnetwork