Tesla balance sheet, which Bitcoin investors

were eagerly awaiting, was announced

The Tesla balance sheet, which Bitcoin investors

are eagerly waiting for, has been announced. The

electric vehicle giant did not make any Bitcoin

sales in the third quarter, according to the report,

and continued to hold assets.

Tesla, where Elon Musk is the CEO, made its first

and last Bitcoin purchase in February of 2021

While the company made a purchase of $ 1.5

billion, it announced in March that it had started

selling vehicles with Bitcoin. The company's first

Bitcoin sale came in April of 2021 and $ 272

nillion of BTC was disposed of.

Musk, who once said "I wish I had bought

Bitcoin 8 years ago," had suspended the sale of

vehicles with BTC in May of the same year, this

time claiming that Bitcoin mining was harming

the environment. Despite this, the company is

the 2nd of 2022. he had not made a Bitcoin sale

until a quarter of it. The company currently h

about 10 thousand BTC in its hands.

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