This information is FYI. Again I am not in any way suggesting that you invest in, use, buy or sell, ANYTHING related to Trump’s new crypto business.

Trump did sketch out some details of his/family new crypto business. Trump and his sons have been floating out teasers about this new endeavor for about a month.

Here are some details from Trump’s new crypto business.

It will be called, (click)- “World Liberty Financial.” This will be a type of banking platform for crypto. 70% of the equity will be held by Trump family members.

Trump says with this new crypto banking system, it will allow people to borrow and lend crypto directly on the platform.

Investors in World Liberty Financial will earn cash via transaction fees.

According to the white paper. (A “white paper” promotes a certain product, service, or methodology to influence current and prospective customer or investor decisions). Trumps son Barron will be listed as chief "DeFi Visionary.” And Trump himself will have the title of “Chief Crypto Advocate.”

$XRP $XLM #GrayscaleXRPTrust #XRP_ETF #RLUSD

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