Back in the day, I came up with a phrase that goes, “Hope drives you to the beach, only to drown you in the cold waters of the ocean.” This has been quite the feeling a crypto investor is going through after hoping that a coin he invested in 3 years ago would make him rich — only for their dreams to come down crashing. 

As confessed on Confession, a community that encourages investors to share anonymous real-life experiences in crypto, the investor said, “I ‘married my bag’ for 3 years. 

Source: Coinfessions X page

According to this crypto investor, “the project truly had the potential to change the crypto space.” Just like the case with every other new crypto project that you might want to invest in, they fell for the “hopes and dreams of a 1000x.”

What’s fascinating is that the crypto holder stayed patient through the market shifts and news updates – holding on to the crypto as if their dear life depended on it. They must have been a true believer in the crypto project.

From a Token Full of Potential to A Blow That Came Down Crashing 

While the crypto investor felt that they were a part of a revolutionary project, they were not aware of what awaited them down the ‘beach.’  For 3 good years, they held onto the crypto, but it was not long before the project took an unexpected turn. 

“Then they announced they are getting rid of the token because it was holding the business back from accomplishing what it could,” the investor recounts, frustrated to the core of their being. 

This news felt more painful than a real blow to the cheek. “Nothing to show for 3 years of hoping.” Despite this unexpected turn, the fact the investor did not come out of the project empty-handed soothes their pain just a little. 

“They at least gave us our money back in a different token,” the investor said, even though their dreams and hopes of making a fortune through the token were now dead. 

Highs And Lows of The Cryptocurrency Market 

This investor’s story is a testament to how volatile the crypto market is. Your dreams can soar or shatter down real quick, or after years of hoping. A good lesson that we can pick up from the investor is that despite the promise of 1000x, any crypto project can crumble. You have to take the risks into consideration and opt for diversification or otherwise, you will have nothing to show for your hopes and dreams!

The post Dream to Devastation: A Crypto Investor “Married the Bag” for 3 Years and Has Nothing to Show for It appeared first on Coinfomania.