$BANANA - 7D-Streak Smart Guys buy $BA$BANANA ay!! 🍌

Around 10hrs ago, 2 wallets labeled as 7D Smart Traders bought $BANANA:

1. Wallet 0x945a, who profited $197.4K (+60.25%) with BANANA a month ago, just bought more $103.14K worth of BANANA at a price of $38.01.

2. Wallet 0xe982 (win rate of 55.6%) just placed his first buy order with BANANA as well, with a total buy value of $49.8K. 👀

There is also a wallet who has maintained a 90D Smart Trade streak, purchasing $36.34K worth of this token, which you can find at iCrypto📌


#BinanceHODLerBANANA #DataFi #iCrypto