Gmgmgmgm Square Fam!

Welcome to the 80th episode of The #ICP Pulse Season 2, your daily dose of all things on ICP.

Without further ado, Let's get into today's episode🚀

1️⃣ $ICP Price action


Another gloomy day in terms of price action.

I mean seriously the degens should really understand that price action is very much boring and that its time to punp.

But, they decided to wait for a whale to punp the price, so thanks to that we are still here, chopping for almost a week.

Despite that situation, we are still facing a decline thanks to the ressistance offered by the 4EMAs, collectively, while changing hands at around 8.6 USD per ICP.

As we speak, even MACD keeps retracing.

As always, This is NFA so DYOR :)

Now we head to,

2️⃣Onchain Stats

🟪Internet Identity Stats

Interestingly, the momentum is officially back today, onboarding at least 1200 users into the IC.

🟪Neurons Stats

The trend continues as the total neuron count nears 305k.

At about 286 neurons were activated today to help secure the Proof Of Useful Work, consensus algorithm.

3️⃣NFT Stats

Source: Toniq and Yuku

1️⃣Motoko Ghosts --> 🔻27 ICP

2️⃣BTC Flower --> 49.5 ICP

3️⃣ETH Flower --> 13 ICP

4️⃣Pythagoras by icircle_nft--> 0.85 ICP

5️⃣Poked Bots by pokedstudiouk --> 9.99 ICP

6️⃣Infinity Canister by Bitfinity --> 🔺24 ICP

7️⃣Motoko Mechs--> 17 ICP

8️⃣Cubetopia Islands --> 14 ICP

9️⃣Modernistic Villas by Rentspaceco --> 3.9 ICP

🔟ICP flower --> 13.9 ICP

4️⃣Gainers and Losers

Source: ICPcoins


➡️Origyn--> 0.071 USD @ 73.7M USD Marketcap (🔺14.2%)

➡️Yral_app--> 0.0195 USD @ 15.9M USD Marketcap (🔺8.8%)

➡️Windoge98--> 1.0173 USD @ 10M USD Marketcap (🔺6.1%)


➡️Querio--> 0.0288 USD @ 65K USD Marketcap (🔻12.5%)

➡️Nuance--> 0.0331 USD @ 2M USD Marketcap (🔻9.77%)

➡️ICLighthouse--> 0.0883 USD @ 12.3M USD Marketcap (🔻3.99%)

5️⃣Inside the ICVerse🧑‍🚀

🟪 0 Voting Proposals in the NNS.

🟪 2 Voting Proposals in the OpenChat SNS.

🟪 6 Voting Proposals in the BoomDAO SNS.

🟪 1 Voting Proposal in the GoldDAO SNS.

🟪 3 Voting Proposals in the ICLightHouse SNS.

🟪TVL on NNS: 2.143 Billion USD [🔺1.43%]

🟪DFINITY announced,

➡️Verifiable Credentials are live on DecideAI

➡️Some inspiration from The Bitcoin Conference 2024

➡️dfx 0.23.0 beta has been shipped🚢

So, Here I wrap up for the day😇

Hats off for staying this far🫡

Now, before we wind up, feel free to share this with everyone who might lack some ICP Alpha, especially our #US_Job_Market_Slowdown Fam :)

I'll see ya tomorrow with your daily recap on ICP🫡