📢 Renzo Protocol Community Call #3

With the release of Renzo’s first governance proposal, Renzo Amore, and with the focus on improving community participation, feedback collection and overall engagement Renzo will host its third Community Call featuring the following agenda:

1. Season 2 Snapshot & Distribution Review

2. Introduction to Renzo Governance

3. Call for Delegate Nominations

4. Discussion of First Proposal Post-Season 2 Incentives

5. Open Forum for Community Questions

Renzo is committed to promoting ongoing communication and collaboration. As such, Renzo intends to host regular community calls in the future, ensuring your continued involvement in Renzo's development.

Got questions? Drop them in the Renzo Discord, and the Renzo team will address them during monthly Community Calls. Your inquiries help shape Renzo’s discussions and ensure Renzo is addressing what matters most to you.

Date: Monday, July 29th, 2024

Time: 4PM UTC

Platform: Discord

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