According to BlockBeats, U.S. presidential independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced a plan to push the federal government to purchase $615 billion worth of Bitcoin if he is elected. Kennedy aims to match the U.S. Bitcoin holdings with the nation's gold reserves. In an interview, Kennedy stated, 'Bitcoin is an honest currency, a proof-of-work-based currency. Everything is on the ledger, it is decentralized, and this is what we need to do for democracy. I want the federal government to start buying Bitcoin and eventually hold as much Bitcoin as gold during my term.'

The U.S. government is currently the largest holder of gold in the world, possessing 8,134 tons of gold. At current prices, this gold is valued at $615 billion. To match this value, the government would need to acquire approximately 9.4 million BTC, which represents nearly 45% of the total Bitcoin supply.