1) Bitget Wallet introduced TONNECT2024.

You can now explore the TON ecosystem with Bitget Wallet and share in a $1,000,000.

0 gas fee. 😁

Join here: web3.bitget.com/en/tonnect-2024

2) Shelter 42 launch.

A game by Rhizome & STON.fi with 150 $STON  monthly giveaway.

3) @ton_blockchain #USDT liquidity support program to has been extended and maybe till end of 2024.

STON.fi will get 1.3 million $TON in rewards for the $TON / $USDt farm for 4 weeks.

4) Stonfi extended farming for:


$WEB3 / $TON


Farm here: https://app.ston.fi/pools?selectedTab=ALL_POOLS&sortBy=TVL_DESC&search=&farmingAvailable=true

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