$PEPE - BUY SIGNAL ‼️🚨‼️🚨‼️

Current Price: $0.0000126

24hr Change: +8% (Bullish)

Historical Performance:

- 50% of days close above open (Neutral)

- All-time High: $0.0000167 (Month ago)

- Current price is -24.44% down from ATH (Bearish)

Technical Analysis:

- Short-term trend: Bullish

- Medium-term trend: Neutral

- Long-term trend: Bearish

Trading Strategy:

- Entry: $0.0000120

- Target: $0.0000150

- Stop Loss: $0.0000100

Risk Management:

- Risk/Reward Ratio: 1:2

- Position Size: 2% of portfolio

Market Sentiment:

- Bullish sentiment: 55%

- Bearish sentiment: 45%

PEPE is showing strength, with a 8% gain in the last 24hrs! I'm expecting a push higher, but let's keep an eye on resistance levels. This is a high-risk trade, so make sure to set your stop loss and manage your risk accordingly!

Note ‼️ Always conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

#pepe⚡ #PEPE_EXPERT #PepeCoinToTheMoon #Write2Earn!