What can happen with the start of the #Etf trading on #Ethererum ?

Weekly chart show us price movements more clearly

We are in a large price range that started in February of this year and despite the rallie and price drops we have remained within this range.

This could mean that a large accumulation of orders is taking place ready to blow up the price at the right time.

The right time could be the ETF.

As it was for #Bitcoin that reached a new ATH thanks to the news of the ETF spot, the same story can be repeated for #ETHEREUM and we will be able to see a strong price growth that will lead it to a new ATH.

What could go wrong?

We may not have the liquidity necessary to reach new ATH but only to return to the top of the range and continue to go sideways thanks to the summer that does not bring too much liquidity on the markets.

I'm not a fan of seasonal analysis but it' still a possibility.

In any case I expect volatility on Ethereum in those days.