
$BNB /USDT Technical Analysis Update

Price Info

- Current Price: $534.2 (-0.15%)

- 24h High: $540.3

- 24h Low: $527.3

- 24h Volume (BNB): 174,189.17 BNB

- 24h Volume (USDT): $93.00M

Trading Data

- Current Price: $534.2

- Moving Average (7): $536.5

- Moving Average (25): $533.8

- Moving Average (99): $529.8

Layer Analysis

- Current Price: $534.2

- Depth Analysis:

- High: $541.0

- Low: $522.8

Market Insights

- Current Price Movement: $534.2 (-0.15%)

- 24h Volume: 174,189.17 BNB / $93.00M

Exchange Data


- High: $541.0

- Low: $522.8

- Current Price: $534.2


BNB/USDT shows a stable trend with fluctuations around key moving averages. Monitor support at $527.3 and resistance at $540.3 for potential trading opportunities.

Stay tuned for more updates!

#BNB #Crypto #Trading #Binance #TechnicalAnalysis