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Treasure $DAO Proposes Acquisition of Ryu Technologies and Its DoG Protocol

According to BlockBeats, Treasure DAO has proposed an acquisition of all assets and intellectual property of Ryu Technologies, including its DoG protocol. Announced on July 9th, the acquisition is valued at $400,000, to be paid in equivalent MAGIC tokens. The assets to be acquired include desktop applications, an SDK, a self-service developer dashboard, a management console, developed games, and other content.

As part of the proposal, Treasure DAO plans to redesign the DoG protocol's tokens to better integrate them into the Treasure ecosystem. This integration is expected to enhance the utility and alignment of the tokens within the broader ecosystem.

Additionally, the core team of Ryu Technologies and the DoG protocol, consisting of four members, will join Treasure’s core team. This strategic move aims to accelerate product and technology development while strengthening relationships within the ecosystem and with partners.

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