According to Odaily, Lido, a prominent player in the blockchain space, has made a significant announcement. The company has declared that its community staking module testnet on the X platform is now fully permissionless and open to everyone. This move marks a significant step forward in the company's commitment to fostering an inclusive and open environment for all users.

The announcement is a clear indication of Lido's commitment to its community. By making the testnet fully permissionless, Lido is ensuring that all users, regardless of their technical expertise or background, can participate in the testing process. This move is expected to foster a more inclusive and diverse community, as it allows anyone to contribute to the development and improvement of the platform.

The decision to open the testnet to all users also underscores Lido's commitment to transparency. By allowing all users to participate in the testing process, Lido is ensuring that the development of its platform is open and transparent. This move is expected to build trust among the community and stakeholders, as it allows them to be part of the development process.

In conclusion, Lido's announcement of making its community staking module testnet on the X platform fully permissionless and open to all is a significant step towards fostering an inclusive and transparent community. It is a clear indication of the company's commitment to its users and stakeholders.