1) When you have completed a payment in a peer-to-peer (P2P) transaction, it is crucial to promptly click the "paid" button within the platform you are using. This action serves as a confirmation to the seller that you have made the payment.

2) It triggers the next step in the transaction process, where the seller is then required to verify the payment on their end. Promptly clicking "paid" helps ensure that the transaction progresses smoothly and that there are no unnecessary delays in the confirmation and release of the goods or services you have purchased.

3) During the entire transaction process, it is important to maintain clear and professional communication with the seller. Focus solely on the details of the transaction, such as payment confirmation, delivery details, or any issues directly related to the transaction.

4)Avoid discussing personal matters, unrelated topics, or any extraneous information. Keeping the conversation strictly business-oriented helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps the transaction on track.

5) furthermore, after you have made the payment, do not cancel the order. Canceling an order after payment can lead to complications, disputes, and delays. It may also affect your reputation on the platform and potentially result in penalties or restrictions on your account.

6) For your own safety and privacy, it is essential not to disclose any personal contact information to the seller. This includes details such as your phone number, WhatsApp, Telegram, email address, or any other means of direct communication outside the P2P platform.

7) Sharing personal contact information can expose you to risks such as scams, fraud, or unsolicited contact. The P2P platform is designed to provide a secure environment for transactions, and keeping all communications within the platform helps protect your personal information and ensures that there is a record of all interactions in case any issues arise.