Republicans Should Unite to Stop Anti-Crypto SEC Commissioner Crenshaw, Says Pat Tommey 🚹

During her tenure, Caroline Crenshaw has consistently maintained an anti-crypto stand while opposing the launch of the spot Bitcoin ETFs earlier this year in January. Some critics argue that she is an even stronger advocate for stringent crypto policies than her colleague, SEC Chair Gary Gensler. Previously, billionaire Mark Cuban warned that SEC chair Gary Gensler and his colleagues could cost the Biden administration the next election.

Also Read: House Vote on SEC SAB 121 Postponed After Alleged Biden Letter

Stand With Crypto Lobbys At the Capitol Hill

As the election dates approach near, the crypto advocacy group Stand With Crypto is making every effort to support pro-crypto candidates and push for pro-crypto policy making.

On Wednesday, July 10, Stand With Crypto hosted 4 founders for a day of meetings on Capitol Hill. The goal was to influence policymaking by connecting crypto advocates directly with their elected representatives.

Stand With Crypto expressed gratitude to the advocates who reached out to their representatives and the founders who traveled to meet with officials in person. They emphasized that whether through emails, calls, or face-to-face meetings, every action helps advance their cause in this critical election year.

reappointment of SEC Commissioner Caroline Crenshaw for a second term in office. Crenshaw is very popular for taking an anti-crypto stand in the past during policy making. However, former Pennsylvania Senator Pat Toomey now wants the Republicans to untie to block her re-appointment at the SEC.

Pat Toomey, the former Pennsylvania Senator and Ranking Member on the Senate Banking Committee, has called for decisive action to block the renomination of SEC Commissioner Caroline Crenshaw. Additionally, he has also called to block the nomination of Christy Goldsmith Romero to lead the FDIC.

Toomey emphasized that the Senate Banking Committee and the Banking GOP should “pull out all the stops” to prevent these nominations.