1. QTUM Price Movement:

The current price of Qtum ($QTUM ) is approximately $2.57.

In the last 24 hours, Qtum's price increased by 0.82%.

The circulating supply of Qtum stands at 105,306,674 QTUM, with a market cap of around $270.6 million.

2. Recent Trends:

Over the past 7 days, Qtum has seen a 0.21% price increase.

However, year-to-date, Qtum has experienced a 31.05% change in price.

3. Next Target and Historical Gains:

You mentioned a target of $3.8 for Qtum.

During the last rally, there were impressive gains of 260%.

: Qtum has shown some positive movement recently, but it's essential to keep an eye on Bitcoin's performance as well. 🚀📈

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