Trading skills in order of importance.

Don't make the expensive mistake of jumping straight to step 5.

Start here first:

1. Psychology + Intuition

As manual traders, our intuition and ability to execute are the most important skills we can develop.

Books and studying help but nothing beats screen time.

2. Capital Preservation

No amount of money makes you "safe" if you cannot keep it.

I've seen 9 figure traders go broke several times.

Manage your bankroll or lose everything.

3. Trade Journaling

Trading without journaling is like cooking without tasting.

It is the fastest way to improve your technical and psychological execution.

This is the "boring" work that separates those who make it and those who don't.

4. Strategy Development

You need a strategy to make money.

This topic requires a deep dive.

I’ll explain in my next article.

5. Technical Analysis

This is easy.

You need your TA to be:


-Able to express your strategy on a chart

You're just drawing lines on a chart, stop

spending 90% of your time on this.

That's it.

#TA #BitEagleNews #BinanceTurns7